Friday, 7 August 2009

Look Wider, Post One

Wow, I haven't been on here for AGES!!!! Last time was when it snowed!!! That was months ago!!!

Well, obviously, a lot has happened since then... GCSE exams, courseworks... boring things like that... but good things have happened too... Like Gang Show 2009, I joined Explorers, I became Gloucester Gang Show Fundraising Committee Secretary, did the Malvern Challenge, did my Bronze D of E, Gang Show Dinner Dance, Nicki and Trevor's Wedding, went to London, blah blah blah... :D A lot of stuff has gone on...

Oh, you should all know... I broke up with Gonzo on Monday... We'd been going out for just over 9 months... we didn't argue or anything, oh no, it wasn't like that... I just thought that we were acting more like friends anyway, so whyy have the status of Boyfriend and Girlfriend??? We're still maties though... we always will be... No worries there :D
Although now my friends are trying to set me up with this boy from Explorers... Not gonna name him... on the offchance that he'll end up reading this... But yeah... Ryan and Munch think that we'd make a good couple... although I really can't see it myself... nor can a coupla others, who I'm also not gonna name... :) I mean, it's a bit hasty, cos I've only just broken up with Gonzo, and it's practically LAW that you can't go out with someone else for at least a month after the break-up!!! I don't wanna go out with this boy anyway... I hardly know him!!! Ahh well...

Ooooo!!! I'm like mega amazing... Well... that's a bit big-headed... I'm not really... But I managed to organise a day trip to Brum with Ryan, Vikki and Carys all by myself :D I was clever... it was for my Look Wider award... :D I had to organise a trip, to somewhere I don't know, and get there by only public transport... so off to the Tourist Information place I toddled and got prices and stuff, booked it online (ok, Dad helped me with that bit, cos unfortunately, I don't own a credit card) and yeah... I didn't lose anyone either... :D Record for me!!! Look Wider, if you're interested is an award that helps you to try out new things, and be more commited to things... that's whyy I'm writing this blog again... You'll have LOADS to read about by the end of August. :) I'm doing my Look Wider cos I FINISHED MY YOUNG LEADER QUALIFICATION!!!! FIRST IN THE COUNTY!!! Yeahh Mann :D Get mee!! :D I was rather impressed... :D

Hmmm... what to write about next... Hmmm... well hasn't this weather been awful for the summer?! I've hardly done anything cos the weather's been so poop!!! I think today has been the best day so far!!! Ahh well... I have done quite a bit of Facebooking... learnt a lot about people thruu their status' and shizz :D

Oh crap... I've run outta things to say... Humph... Well that was useful innit!!!
OhMyLife I miss my friends... Guys... I LOVE YOU!!!!

Hi Mark... I' know you're reading this :D Special mention for you :D
Hi to anyone else that happens to be reading this... I doubt there is actually anyone else reading this... cos noone knows about this blog thingy... Don't you find it sooooo annoying when Schools block websites... Cos I'm not allowed on here at my school... How poopish is that?! Haha... Poopish :D

Y'know what...

I don't even knooooo!!!!

I'm really cravving some chocolate right now... but it's 23.16... a bit late for chocolate really isn't it?! :'(

Mark, are you not bored yet???

I'm going to live with Mark one day :) We haven't met yet... but we decided that one day we will live together :D Wish him luck everyone :p *all the little computer pixies wish Mark luck*

I'm a bit gutted... this entry hasn't been very long... :( I thought I had a lot to say, but obviously not...

Oh great... there's something in my eye... NOT my eyeball... well... my eyeball is in my eye... but y'know what I mean... there's some obscur object in my eye that shouldn't be there... Oh bum... it's really getting on my nerves... HELP!!! :(

:D It's gone :)

Hmmm... I really think I've run outta things to say tonight... Gutted.... Oh well... that means you can all go back to doing interesting things... :) Rather than read my rubbish talk :D


Well... That's it...

I love you all :D

Well... I don't really... but y'know...

Mark: Hope you enjoyed this :p

Love you

Goodbye all :D



Bye :)


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