Monday, 10 August 2009

Look Wider, Post Four

It's me again!!! :)

I had a rather good start to the week this week! Went to workies this morning... Learnt about Andy's underwear... =/ and then went in to town to townage avec Aaron and Munchipoo! :) We actually didn't do anything... but it was fun... we just talked and pissed about... :D Funtimes much!!!

Me and Munch saw this little boy... (well, we saw a lot of them, but this has a story to it... I didn't just decide to tell you what we saw...) with his (I assume) mummy... :) It was a rather strange occurance really... because his name was Thomas (she kept shouting it at him... maybe she wanted the world to know??? That or he needed to be reminded every 10 seconds what his name was...) (maybe he's a goldfish...??? 'Oooh, there's a castle there') Anyway.. yeah.. so we saw this little boy called Thomas, and he was wearing a t-shirt that said... 'the great Gonzo' Well how weird was that!!! Gonzo is called Thomas :D Ohhh shhh... we found it weird... don't care about you lot :p

Ohhhh yeahhh... Munch 'mwah'ed at me today... I normally 'mwah' people when I say bye... (don't even ask... I dunno where I got it from) but yeahh... I 'mwah' and Munch a lot... but she doesn't 'mwah'... But she did today!!! It was weird!!!! :p

Munch is a bully... As is Aaron... Hi Aaron... :)

OhhMyyDayys... I cannot just believe what I read... I'm not going to write it on here... because I'll probs be very told off... But OhhEmmGee!!! =/

My Facebook is playing up!!! :( It's getting really annoying... :(

Hi Josh.... :) Hope you had funtimes at workies :p Ohh... and I think I found a phone that I might be able to get :D

I think... No actually... I don't... I never think :)

Oohhh, tomorrow should be funtimes... sitting in a car park all day... Counting... cars... :D (Y) I am looking forward to seeing Vikkipoo and Carys... but not looking forward to having to find 60 people to answer our questionnaires... if anyone would like to help by offering to do one then please say!!! :D

I really... really... really... need a cuppa... :( Be right back stinkers :)

Oh my life, I think I have actually lost the plot!!! I tried looking for a spoon... in the fridge??? =/

Oooo.... Softmints :D Ohhh noooo!!! The 'best before' date is today... That means I'm gonna HAVE to eat all of them... What a shame :D

Oh crap, they are actually REALLY addictive... =/

Half a pack gone already!!! I'd better go and ask Daddy for some more... seeing as he won't eat another 5 packs tonight!!! :p Looks like I'll be needing to go to the gym at some point! :p

Y'know what... I think that when I die (or maybe before) I'm going to become half cheeseburger, half tea... (well, it would have to be frozen tea... because you can't really walk around being tea... you can walk round being a cheeseburger though... not that I've tried it...) because that's all i'm eating and drinking atm... And diet coke... I'm such an unhealthy person!!! Cheeseburger and Chips... That's the most eaten meal this summer methinks... I spose it's my fault for not liking much else!!!


Josh, you need to come online too!!!

I've decided I need a hair cut... anyone have any suggestions??? I think... (and that's given me a headache) that I should have it a bit shorter... bit more layered and have permenant blue streaks in it??? Whadya think??? Please comment :)

Woops... I may or may not have eated the whole of that packet of softmints... Be right back...

:( Dad won't give me anymore atm... I'll ask again laters :D

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging is an amazing film... but is rather depressing... isn't it Amber?! :( don't you just want Robbie?! :(


Ahaha... Mark just said he finds my babble nice :p

Did you know that Robbert Robertson was one of the original founders of Trebor in 1907???

No, I didn't either... The softmint packet just told me so!!! I dunno how that's EVER going to be useful... but there we go... :-/

Heehee... Mark finds my blogs interesting... Anyone else think the same???

Right then... Well I suppose i'd better go and get some proper food (not cheeseburger) and munch on that for a while... Funtimes... Eating is soooo boring!!!

Have funtimes doing whatever you're doing this evening... :D

Love you all xxxx

Mwah xx

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