Monday 30 November 2009


Heyy you lot...

Just the one post today....

Ohh shhhh!!! I can hear you all from here... cheering!!! :p... well I don't make you read do I?!

Well... I'd like to say that I'm a bit happier today... not a lot... but a bit... I suppose it's the fact that nothing has really got to me... I've decided that I'm not friends with Mrs Elvidge and Mrs Pines anymore... Because they are mean to me... Mrs Pines asked if we'd had a good weekend... I said... 'NO' and she confused me with Amber... Then she realised I'd said it and she goes 'Oh, well that would be Sam wouldn't it'... Am I really THAT bad...? :-/ And then in maths Mrs Elvidge told me I'd got something wrong... when she went and asked another girl she said exactly the same as me... but Mrs Elvidge said that it was right!!! :O Ohh well... who needs maths teachers and form tutors anyway?!

Oooo.... tomorrow is gonna be fun... :-/ I have double PE in the morning... And that's quite painful most of the time... Then after schoolies and work I have to go to the gym for an hour or so... then straight after the gym I'm going to Explorers... and we're doing a hike!!! So all in all... tomorrow I'm gonna be doing like 5 hours of exercise!!! :O

Oooo.. I just found a hole in my tights!! Ahahaaa

Rainbows was quite good tonight... didn't come out of it thinking that it was a waste of an hour and that I could've been at home doing something useful... Tbh, I've felt like that the last few weeks of Rainbows... I know I haven't been every week since being in year 11... but I've had loads of work on, and I've been told just to not go if I have too much work... which is fair enough... But the weeks that I have been I've felt like there's been no point, cos I've not done a lot... I mean... when it was me, Jan and Rach we all knew what each other did... we all communicated and everyone knew what to do... I always did news time... and that was my thing that I did everyweek... but things, since summer, have changed... so I hardly say anything and I don't run anythin... like newstime, because Nikki has taken the job... :( Well.. it's not a job... and I don't mean to sound like I'm not happy with her having a go... but I never do anything else now either... just kinda stand there... not needed... :-/ Tonight was good tho... cos... well it just was... ;) and I did newstime and I helped with the activity and games and stuff... I felt like a part of it today... And I didn't need to ask everytime I tried to do something... I just did it... And that felt good... back to how it used to be...

I don't like moaning about it... but I'd rather do that...


Woops... I completely forgot about my German homework that I was meant to do on Saturday... but I never did... ahh well... I did half of it... Ohhh.. that reminds me, I have to print it :)


Oh shit... my memorystick isn't recognised... :-/

Ahh well... I'll print it at break...


^^^^ I'm not happy about that...

(8) Life's A Piece Of Shit, When You Look At It (8)
^^^ Fairplay, that's rather true...

Gang Show Songs XD <<<--------- Because I'm cool ;)

Can you tell I'm a bit happier today???

It won't last I bet... Ohh well...

Hmm... what's the weather like tomorrow people??? :-/ Better not be completely awful...

Holy Cow... It's gone 10!!! :O

Ooo... those tablets are getting easier and easier to swallow everyday :) I don't even think about it anymore XD That's good :)

Anyways you smelly lot... I suppose I'd better think about bed...


Done... thought about it :) Now... what to write??? :p

Nahh.. I'm kidding... I really think I should probably go to bed soon.. don't wanna be in too much of a bad day tomorrow... I probably wont' write now until Thursday... as tomorrow I shall be doing excesive amounts of walking... and Weds is Gang Show solo auditions... so I'll be there XD

I hope all you lot are comin to watch GS btw...? I'll be very disapointed if you don't!!! I know that I'll be DRAGGING Ryan there this year...!!! If you don't come Ryan I'm no longer your friend.. :p

Right then...


Loveyou all


Sunday 29 November 2009


Well... I'm bored...

I watched The Secret Garden earlier... :) I love that film!!! Haven't seen it in sooooo long!!! :)

I cleaned my room after finishing watching that... I should've been getting on with my German homework... but I don't have German tomorrow so I couldn't be bothered... And tbf my room REALLY needed a bit of a clean out!!! Soooo much shit everywhere!!! Ahh well :)

Carys and Munch... You'll be pleased to know that I made those CDs for you today XD Cos I remembered :)

I've got somewhere with my English coursework... :) I've done quite a bit of editing and stuff... :) Cos I'm amazing... nahh... Lol... I've not done the hard stuff... just the editing of punctuation and crap like that... I'll do the rest one lunchtime or so mething... Needs to be in next monday... so I've got plenty of time to just add a few things :)

Hmmmm.... I've been alright today actually... not been low at all... Hopefully it'll stay like that for a while... :-/ I doubt it... but a girl can hope!! Lol

I think things have defs mucked up with this guy... it's like complete small talk now... we used to have such long conversations... :-/ Hope things change... I'm not sure what's wrong... :-/ It makes me sad... :-/ I might just give up with trying...

Howar you liking the changes I've made to my blog??? Added a picture, changed the name... changed the colours and stuff like that :) I got bored last night lol :)

To all who were wondering... 'temporaryscars' is Rach :)

90s CD XD It rocks :) I love Chris for getting it for his birthday!!! Haha!!!

Wow... Everyone is liking my status... 'Sam Hill Just Tidyed Her Room!!! :O'
I feel more loved now than I have all weekend on Facebook!!! Lol...

I think that's whyy I have trouble staying happy... Cos I feel lonely like all the time... :-/

I found some pictures of me and my sisters when we were younger... There are a few of my mummy cutting the grass... and some of my dad making something... Apparently I was quite artistic with a camera when I was like 5!!! Haaa... :) There's one of me dressed as a fairy for some birthday party I can remember :) And there's one of me with my face painted as a lion...

(MUNCH... 'RARGH! I'M A LION' ;) Heehee...)

There's this picture of Jennifer in the sandpit... and Dad joining in... It made me think back to the days when there wasn't constantly arguments and all this shit...

I started reading 'My Sister's Keeper' last night... 3 chapters in so far... I kinda maybe fell asleep reading...!!!! Haa... Woops... :)

Talking of reading... Well... kinda... I found this story that I wrote back in year 9... about this girl called Bella... and this guy called Danny... I'm gonna read it at some point... :) Along with that there was this other story... One about this girl that got moved to a boarding school... I kinda gave up writing that one though after a few pages... Cos I didn't know what to write about... And I just got boring... Maybe I might write another one some day???

Hmmm... it's still small talk... :'(

Right... I kinda wish that I'd not come on the computer now... At least then I could kid myself that everything is alright... :-/

See... there's things that I wanna say on her... But I know I can't... because I'll upset people... and make things worse... And I don't want that to happen... :(

Last Day Of November Tomorrow!!! :O

Hope everyone is ok...

Y'know... I hate it that I get on better with guys than I do with girls... :( well... sometimes it's good... but most of the time things get fucked up... :(

Anyways you lot... I suppose I'd better stop writing... get a cuppa... and get things ready for schoolies tomorrow...

I've just realised whyy I've been writing so much in the last couple of days... It's because it makes me feel like I'm writing something that people will enjoy... and that I'm doing something that is worthwhile...
And atm... it seems to be the only way of getting my feelings out... I suppose by just writing it means that everything comes out... and everything is in the open so it doesn't feel like it's locked up inside me... No matter how stupid things are...

But yeahh...

I'm gonna make myself depressed again in a minute if I carry on like this... I'm just gonna go...

Night night everyone

Loveyou all



Heyy everyone...

I have a question... The other day someone with the name 'temporaryscars' commented on my blog... I was wondering who that is?! :)

Wow... well I have lots more money to go towards my India trip... This woman from church is gonna give me £100 towards it!!! :O How generous is that?! :O And I sold £10s worth of quizes... so so far I think I have £118 :)

I figured something out last night... If I sleep on my left side then my jaw locks into place... but if I sleep on my right side then my jaw doesn't lock!!! XD I'm actually getting really bored with it locking the whole time... :( when I eat and everything... It's worse when I sleep though...

Ohhh I had a really weird dream last night... well... It wasn't weird... it was actually quite nice... :) I'm not gonna say anymore than that tho... Cos it's probably not that interesting to you lot... :)

Hmmm... I want to know how old my sister is... :-/ Tracy Beaker is on the tv... The same episode that I saw about 50 times when I was younger!!! And she's 14 in like a month... :-/

Hmmm... I suppose that I should probably get on with my homework/coursework... :-/ I don't want to... Anyone wanna do it for me??? I would rather that!!! Lol :)

I suppose I might end up writing more later... Probably will actually... Just for the entertainment purposes of you lot :)

Y'know I'm getting pretty bored of facebook these days... I mean... nothing ever happens on it anymore... noone ever comments or anything on my page... Seems a bit pointless...

Ohh... and for those of you who were wondering yesterday.. those last two blogs (54 and 55)... were not about Mark... Just to make that clear... :) Mark knows they aren't about him :) Don't you :)

But yeahh...

Ryan... If you are reading... You're the BESTEST big brother in the world and I love you to bits... :)

^^^ Just thought you should know :)

Anyways... Must go for now... :) Write laters maybe

Loveyou all


Saturday 28 November 2009


I'm gutted... we used to be quite close... I thought things were going somewhere...

Obviously not...

Well done Sam... You fucked that up...


Right.. So I'm gonna be cool and write another entry... because I want to moan... And I have noone to moan to... so I'll just do it on here...

What I want to know is whyy do guys fuck girls around??? Whyy is it that one minute you think they like you and they make you feel special... and then the next minute their off thinking about another girl...
Whyy can't most of them stick to one girl... Whyy are they players...??? Because they make you feel special then you look on their facebook and they're off flirting with other girls... Whyy do they bother lying... Whyy can't they just say that they don't like you??? I mean... I don't even know where I stand with this guy??? He makes me feel wanted... he makes it seem like he wants to be with me... and then goes on about how he kissed this other girl... or whatever... I'd sooo much rather him tell me that he doesn't want anything to happen with me... rather than just avoid all the questions...

I don't mind if he does like me and we play around and flirt and stuff... y'know... but if it then means nothing and he's just using me for the fun of it then what's the point???

And whyy the hell is there more than one?!

It's sooooo annoying...

Ohh... and then I go and say something and he 'has to go out, sorry'

Quick getaway there... Don't ya think?!


I completely hate this... I wish guys had never been invented tbh... They cause too many problems!!! Well... some of them are alright... :p But others just piss me off...

I really wish I had some kind of mind-reading powers... Like Edward Cullen in Twilight (this isn't me being obsessed... I'm just using it as an example)... cos he can read everyone's minds... so he knows exactly what they think of him... and what they think of anything...

It would be soooo much easier going through life with that kind of power don't you think??? I mean... at least then you'd know where you stand with people... and you wouldn't have to put up with liars...

Tell you what... I just fuck everything up... >:(

I wish I had a guy who cares about me... who'd love me and all... always be there... someone who won't fuck me around... Someone who wouldn't upset me... Someone who would make everything better by just talking to me... Someone who I can spend all my spare time with... Someone who I can have round in the day when I'm bored... or just meet up with and have fun...

^^ I know that's pretty much what every girl wants... but y'know...

It would be nice...

I'm sorry for all the depressivness.... Kinda hard to avoid atm... Everything upsets me right now... Absolutely anything and everything...


Ohhh... another thing that really pisses me off is when people ignore you... When you text them, or comment on facebook, or email or something... and they just ignore you... for no reason that you know of... And they ignore you for days... and what annoys me is that everyone seems to do it at the same time... so it feels like you have noone cos noone replies to you... ever... And then they wonder whyy you aren't talking to them or whatever... it's like FUCKING REPLY AND I MIGHT TALK TO YOU!!!! >:(



Heyy All


I'm meant to be doing my German homework atm.. But I really cba!!! So I thought I'd write... I had a bit of a surprise when I came on here.... :) I have another follower!! Rach :) Yayy :) Heyy Rach...

I must admit my blogs are getting more and more boring... They used to be mega long when I first started writing regularly in August... but since being back at school I've had sooo much work and stuff that I've not had a chance to write a lot... Noone really reads this anymore... I mean... Dan does... and Mark... and Rach... But Ryan used to read this a lot... and Callum, and Josh and Vikki, and Carys... and Amber... I don't think any of them read anymore... I suppose I should just ask them...

Although I think I've really annoyed Josh atm... :-/ Sorry if I have Josh... I didn't mean to... <3 Honestly... I'm sorry...

I hope I haven't annoyed him.... That's not good... It would upset me too... :(

I'm getting really annoyed with this yearbook that's being made for year 11... There's this website and we have to upload pictures and everything... but it's really annoying cos me and Amber and the others have been uploading pictures but they all get deleted... I got bored earlier so I counted how many pics there are of us... and there's like 33 out of 448... Loads of ours get deleted... yet there's LOADS of the plastics... it's the same pictures of the same people... and it's getting boring... :(

Oooo... I think I'm defs gonna get my hair cut before Christmas... I'm completely bored of it now... It needs something doing to it... I'm gonna take this pic along to the hairdressers and see what they think of the style and see if they think it will suit me... then go with that... it's defs gonna go shorter... Not TOO short... not as short as Amber's is now... longer than that.... but a lot shorter than what it is now... cos it's just too long... and I can't actually do what I want with it... Hopefully it'll look good... :)

YAY... Payday on Tuesday XD... although most of the money will be gone by the end of the week... I owe Dad £20... Mum £13... I need to buy Munch's bday present... I probably owe Rach some money... Plus I need some more money to buy Christmas presents and stuff!!! So it'll all be gone pretty much as soon as I get it... Ohh... £10 needs to go on my phone... Or I don't get my frees... And I can't live without my frees!!!

Well this entry is getting to be quite long :) That's good... :)

I'm gonna try and write everyday in the Christmas holidays... I think I only seem to do things if I set myself the challenge... I wonder if writing a blog counts towards the Adventure 100 badge??? Hmmm...

As you lot may have gathered I like badges!! :) I have like 100 that need to be sewn onto my camp blanket!!! That's only guide ones!!! Then there's a few Explorer ones that I've got... Performer... Musician... One night away and one hike... or something like that...

Talking of Explorers I got invested... I think I've already said that actually.... But still... XD Still gonna do Gang Show as a Young Leader though... cos Guiding comes first... otherwise my mum will kill me!!! Lol... We're going on a hike on Tuesday at Explorers... In preparation for the Cotswold Marathon... We're doing the gold... so that's something like 38 miles??? Over night!!! Lol... I reckon it'll be really rewarding XD... I mean... I walk loads... so yeahh... I wanted to do the Cotswold Marathon last year... but I had noone to do it with... and it was cancelled cos of the snow anyway... So yeahh... I think I wrote that in one of my first blogs actually... I'm walking it with Chris, Ben, Ashley, Tom and urmmm... shit... someone else who I can't remember... :-/ Vikki and Ryan aren't doing it cos they're lazy!!! Lol... :p Ohhh Dan maybe??? I know George, Josh and Mat aren't doing it... Nor are Vicky and Lucy... So yeahh... I'm the only girl.. haha... that'll be a fun night... :-/

Can you believe that it's Christmas in less than a month... 27 days to be precise... :-/ ARGH!!!
I have 93 school days left... not including exams... till I leave in May :)
And... it's... 51 days till my birthday XD Yaaaaay :)

Talking about my birthday... I had a dream last night that noone remembered my birthday... and I spent it depressed in my bedroom... Lol...

My birthday is a Sunday this year... so the morning will be spent at church, and the afternoon will be spent at Gang Show rehearsal... Lol... Funtimes :D I'll just wear a big badge all day... I had a Gang Show rehearsal on my 13th birthday too... Wow... that was like 3 years ago!!! :O

Awww gutted... it was sunny this morning... Now it's all horrible and meh outside... ): Dark and yucky... :(

I got some Christmas presents thru today :) Haaaa :)

Ooooo... I got an A in my Product Design mock XD

I'm really cold... :( Still sat in bed in my PJs :) Lol... I'm a lazy bugger :)

Ahh welll... I suppose I'd better go get something to eat... Get a cuppa and get back on with my German homework... I don't really want to... But I suppose I'd better... Then I've got my English final to think about doing... And Design coursework.. And ICT... :O

Gutted... Stupid school work... Ohh well...

Talking of schools I went and looked around St. Peters the other day :) I loved it :) Defs wanna go there for 6th form XD

Anyways... Like I said... I'd best be off... would love some comments... to read when I get back on here :)

Love You all


Thursday 26 November 2009


Hey you lot... :)

Hope you're all ok... I suppose I'm alright...


I'm quite bored... and fed up of bloody coursework...

I'm VERY sleepy right now... :(

OMG... I'm sooo pissed off with my coursework... I've done this same piece of coursework twice now... and both times it hasn't saved.... I mean... I've definitely saved it... Both times as 'Development Stuff'... but both times when I've gone to go back to it to do some more it's gone... completely... like NO sign of it whatsoever!!! :'(... So now I've got to do it again... >:(

It better bloody save when I do it again... :(

Hmmmm.... I want a cuppa... XD

I really don't have a lot to say anymore... I'm not all that interesting...

Loveyou all


Friday 20 November 2009


I'm bored of the whole writing the words... Just the numbers now :)

Hmmm... I don't have a lot to say... Well I do... but with the 2 current situations; I'd rather not...

I'm still confused about the same thing btw... A little less confused... As I have had some help from my friends... But still confused... And thinking I should probably just stop bothering anymore...

Hmmm... I can't remember if I moaned about my Dad getting a Wii before... But I think it might have actually been a good thing...?? It's helped a little bit with my dad.... I've probably spoken too soon... but I'm hoping... :)

Hmmm.... I'm hungry... and need a cuppa...

Y'know, I get the feeling that things are gonna go downhill from here... I really do...

I mean, the situation at school is getting better in a way...
The situation of schoolWORK is not getting better... it's getting soooo much worse... Like really badly... I'm getting so bored of school... :O I had my first day off since the beginning of year 10 on Tuesday... :(

Hmmm... my dog has just sat on me... -.-

Children In Need XD

I'm really bored now... :(

I think I'm gonna stop writing now... I'd rather not talk about what I'm feeling atm... :-/ It's for me to deal with atm...

I spose I'll speak soon...

Love You all


Sunday 15 November 2009

Fifty XD

Heyy People...

I'm not doing very well with this whole keeping a blog thing... Ahh well...

Josh... do you still read this?? Callum? Mark? Amber? Dan? Anyone??? I'd love to know... :D

OMG.... She's REALLY getting on my nerves... I'm starting to dread going into school cos she's so annoying!!! Anyways... I can't moan too much... cos knowing my luck she'll be reading this post!!!


LONDON XD = Amazing :D

Was soooo good... Saturday evening was funtimes :) Took this hilarious pic of Josh and Matt Staite!!! I'll have to post it some time... Cos they're on Josh's taplop methinks...? Am I right Josh???

Omg... Josh and George were complete pains this weekend!!! And Matt thinking about it... Right... I hate switches being left on if there is nothing in it... so when I first walked into the hall I noticed these things and switched them all off... but those boys decided that they would annoy me ALL weekend by turning them on... so I would have to turn them off cos it annoyed me... then they would turn them back on... and so on.... Stupid OCD!!! It's awful thoo!!! Even when I was on the phone to my mummy they were being mean and turning the ones right in front of me on!!! I tried using my foot to cover them... but obvs they are a LOT stronger than me... So that failed!!!!

Tbh, I think Josh is just a bully fullstop!!! :p He tried to make me fall over when we were having pics taken today... :O And last night... :O

Oooo Casualty :D Haha...

Omg I gotted a bag this weekend, and a skirt, and some shoes, and a jumper thingy, and my explorer hoodie, and some skinny jeans that don't fit, and some lip balm (strawberry), and a christmas decoration from Harrods... XD

Hmmm.... I must say... there is something that I'm really confused about at the moment... I can't mention it on here... But I'm hoping that it'll sort itself out... :-/ I hate being confused like this...

Wow... I just went on the Wii... My back is hurting... But Wii Fit is good... :) Gonna do just fine with it methinks... XD

Hmmm... anyways... I spose I'd better concentrate on watching Casualty... XD

I'll maybe write tomorrow at some point... Although I'm going to a 6th form open evening... so I might not be able to go...


Byee all....

Love you all...


Saturday 7 November 2009

Now this one is Forty Nine!

Heylooooo People!!! :D

Wow... I've not written for...

Since 30th October!!!


But... I have a brilliant excuse.... I have mocks atm... so y'know... that's soooo much more important than a blog which no one reads anymore...

So... how have mocks gone??

English - I think I did ok... It was a good writing task... so I think I'm alright... :)
ICT - Well I think I did ok on the stuff that I knew... We hadn't learnt a lot of the stuff... so it's hard to say... cos I guessed a lot!
Maths - Big fat FAIL.
Geography - Another big fat FAIL.
History - I think I've done alright on that one... I did better than when I did in the summer... :) Which is a good thing really. :D

So... I'm alright...
Still got a few next week... but Obvs can't say anything about them yet!!

Hmm... :)

Tonight was funtimes... Well today wasn't bad actually... :)

I had a good day at County Day... :) Learnt a lot... got some ideas for my Rainbows :D

Then... went to the fireworks at the Docks :) It was quite good actually... I wasn't put with Vikki and Ryan... which was a good confidence booster for me with the other Explorers tbh, cos it meant that I didn't just talk to them... it meant that I could talk to the others and get to know them a little bit! :)

I'm watching the Xtra Factor atm... cba to change the channel!!!

OMG... this time next week we'll be in London :D

Woop Woop! :)

Right then... I'm gonna stop talking rubbish now... :)

I'll talk soonage :)

Loveyou all :)
