Sunday, 27 December 2009


Well... I'm supposed to be doing coursework right now... but I decided that I wanted to write... because that's MUCH more interesting... :)

Soo... Christmas... it was guurd...
My stupid sisters woke me up at 7.30AM!!! (I don't know what that is... I never seen that time... Didn't even know it existed!!!) and made me go into our parents' bedroom... We did our annual stocking opening in there... and I got:

- Make-up
- Alvin and the Chipmunks
- Tissues!! (in a funky spotty box)
- LOADS of chocolate
- Alarm Clock
- A little teddy bear :)
And probably some more things... but I can't quite remember atm! :)


Even though I've been told... By George and Josh that Santa isn't real... :( Josh was being incredibly mean and told me that I'm old enough to know now that my Mum and Dad put presents under the tree... I don't believe him... No matter how many times he tries to tell me Santa isn't real!!!! :p Josh is just a big bully!

Then we did the rest of the day in our normal routine... Have breakfast, go to church, come home, watch a movie (Alvin and the Chipmunks) while parents cook lunch... Then eat lunch... Then open pressies under the tree... (which I'll list in a minute) Then go to Grandad's :)

Rightt...... Presents from under the treeeee :)
- Pyjamas
- Make-up
- Belts
- Necklace + Bracelets
- Chocolate
- Socks
- Books
- Gloves
Things like that really... Can't actually be bothered to list it all...

The bestest present was by far my LAPTOP!!! :D Woop woop! :) I was like WOAH!!! :D Jennifer got in a stress cos she got 'rubbish presents' in her own words... But tbf a laptop was the only thing that I really wanted... the rest of the stuff I got was a bonus... :)

That reminds me... I need to write thank you letters/emails/facebook messages... :)

Then at Grandad's we had food :) and we had fun and opened some more presents :)

Grandad got me:
- The Soldiers - Coming Home (cd)
- JLS Album :D
- Laptop case and USB mouse
- A box of Roses chocolate :)

Jan and Colin got me:
- Alexandra Burke album
- Now 74 (which makes Ben feel old :p)
- A Dates to remember book :) (I wrote in everyone's birthdays yesterday... Well, everyone's that I know :))

Ben and Rach got me:
- Friends box set :D ... Ben was gonna steal it, cos he's jealous... :p But I didn't let him!

Paul got me:
- Knee length socks :) Mega cool :)

^^^ I think that's it... Don't think I've been ungrateful if I've forgotten to write stuff down... I just can't remember everything! My memory isn't THAT good :p

I've been quite happy over the last few days (other than last night when Dad was completely horrible to me)... but I'm not gonna say whyy... Cos if I say something then I'll probably jinx it... and so yeahh... But it's making me happy atm... and that's all that matters :) I can just see a difference......... :)

Hmmm... What to say now...? Well, yesterday nothing really happened... I was just texting all day... Ohh... and I watched Love Actually... :) (tarr Josh btw) <<<< Silly boy dropped it round at like 11pm Christmas Eve :) Ahaha! << Love it though :) Good film :) Made me think a lot actually... :) About things...

Well... today is just a day of coursework (if I ever get round to it), getting things off of my old computer and put onto here... and texting... :)

Well... Josh... Have a good time Skiing :) You'd better read all these entries when you're back :) Or you're in trouble! :p

Great... Well the internet just stopped working... So I'm not gonna be able to post this like now... :( Ahh... it fixed already :) Guurd laptop :)

Anyways... I suppose I'd better get on with my work... I won't have much more of a chance to do it this holiday... Cos tomorrow is Jennifer's birthday... Tuesday I'm shopping for walking boots with Jan... Wednesday we're going down to Bournemouth to visit Nanna and Grandad... Thursday I'm going on a hike at 9 in the morning (:O) with Chris and Ashley and maybe other Chris as a Cotswold Marathon practise... and then Sleepover at Ambers :) Friday will be recovering from the sleepover!!!! Saturday going to the panto again and Sunday GANG SHOW :D

^^^ I'm a busy bee :)

So yeahh... I'd better go... :) I'll maybe write laters... :)

Byee all

Love you all


1 comment:

  1. Snap! i got now 74 & Alvin and the chipmunks!
