Sunday, 6 September 2009

Look Wider, Post Thirty-One

Heyy peoples...

I'm sooo extremely sorry that I didn't write yesterday... I was too busy discoing :) At Launch! :)

I had such an amazing weekend... :) It was sooo good... We did Yoga on Saturday morning... that hurt my back... and proved that I'm absolutely crap at balancing! Lol... Then after that we went into the recording studio... (a bedroom!!!) and recorded 'Breaking Free' from High School Musical... :) It turned out not as bad as I thought it would tbh... We're like singing with Zak Efron though :) It's cos the first three lines are really low... and none of us could sing it!!! Lol

After that we had lunchies... and then did cheerleading... I really enjoyed it actually :) Did a routine to 'Boom Boom Pow' :) We were very good... although we kept having a bloody camera shoved in our faces! >:( Stupid woman!! :(

Then after that me and Becky went abseiling :D I luuuurrveee it :) It's soooo much fun!!! :) But Becky didn't like it... she did it once... and I'm really proud of her for it :)

But then the day got brought right down... My uncle and cousin came up... (Rach's dad and brother, Jan (my auntie) was at Launch too)... They had some horrible news... And my sister just came up to me sayin 'I know whyy Uncle Colin and Paul are here... Because their friend Phil just died...' I just burst into tears... He was a bit like an Uncle to me really... I've known him my whole life and I couldn't believe it... I'd literally just come down the abseiling wall too... :(
I was really upset... So everyone was really nice and helped me get out of my harness and let me go to see my family... :(


After that I was obvs feeling quite down... and me and Becky went back to the tent... She made me a cuppa, then we had tea and all that shizz...
We visited the people camping next to us, who were having toasted marshmallows :) and it was mega funny cos one of the girls melted her fork into the marshmallow!!! :L

And then it was disco time...

Callum and Will were the Dj's :) Cos they are amazing :) We helped them carry all their stuff from the car to the marquee thing... :) Cos we're helpful :)

It felt a bit wrong to have a good night... but I didn't want to be upset all night... and everyone else was having fun, so I did too...
We did our cheerleading routine :) Cos we're cool... and Beth and Callum did their dance from Gang Show :)

Anyways... there's not a lot to say about the disco other than it was a lot of fun... the rest is to remain as a memory rather than me writing it on here...

Then after that everyone went to bed... But me, Becky and Leece went into the boys room because we had nothing else to do!!! We stayed there till like 3 in the morning :) Then we went back to our tent to sleep... even though I could've slept on one of the beds!!! There were plenty! :)

Today me and Becky got up at 8.30 and went and got some pancakes... then the boys joined us... And then we went and helped them take all their kit back to the car :) Cos we're extra helpful!!! :)

Anyways... after that it was just clearing up :) I gotted a certificate in the closing ceremony... :) For some award that I'd totally forgotten I'd done... :) It was from when I did Youth Work Week in November last year! :)

Anyways m'dears... I must be off... I have another like 25 pages of homework to edit for first lesson tomorrow... I got a bit distracted writing this... I'll probably write lots tomorrow too... Cos I have lots to say :)

Love you all


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