Monday, 5 July 2010


OMG - sooooo bored!!! :(

I only woke up an hour ago.. but sooo bored... have nothing really to do! :L :(

Had prom last week... was AMAZING! :D Had an awesome time with my wifey! :) Everyone looked amazing! :) Wanna do it all over again!!!! :)

Urgh... other than that - I don't really have all that much to say...

Ohh, actually - Was my first day of PROPER work yesterday... :) Like in the shop serving customers and stuff... Was MEGA nervous to start off with... but it's pretty easy...! :) I just need to learn about all of the products and where everything is... that's the hard bit... Cos people come up and ask for the sticks with the blue bits on the end!!! Cos that's helpful!!! :L Ahh well... I'll get there eventually :)

Anyways - other than that... I've not got anything to say!!!! How boring is life atm?! :L Lol... Ahh well... Work experience next week... :) That'll be good!!! :D

Loveyou all

Sunday, 20 June 2010


Wow - well it's been rather a while since my last post hasn't it?! :L

I have a very good excuse though.... I'm year 11... it's hard work! :L :p I'm nearly finished with all my exams now though... only have 2 more left this week, and then that's it... Then it's just a case of sitting around and doing nothing until I go to India! That's VERY soon - and I still have £500 to raise! :-/ in ONE month... woops! :-/ I'll be finee... :)

My exams are all going pretty well tbh, I've not come out of any of them thinking 'shit, I failed'... I think I've done ok in most of them... Hopefully the results will confirm that thought! :) We get them in about 2 months from now... So it's not too bad... although I do REALLY wanna know now!!! It's a bit of a pain having to wait for them... I wanna know NOW! :L

Well, a FUCK load of stuff has happened to me since the last post - Had my cast off for one.. my arm looked HILARIOUS! It was stick thin (thinner than normal anyway) and it was SOOO weak! I had to have physio a few times - to get the movement and the strength back - although it still isn't as good as it used to be... and it's been like 3 months since I had it off.. Ahh well... I'm gonna end up with arthiritus in it when I'm older... Woopwoop... :(

Gang Show. Well, that was FUCKING AMAZING!!!! The best week of the year so far methinks... It was AWESOME... I helped out on 'get in' weekend - getting the theatre ready for the show and everything - I learnt a lot about how everything is done and stuff... and how much actually goes in to getting everything ready... It's LOADS actually... it's a lot more work than you'd think - it made me appreciate what's been done! :) And it's the same with the scenery painting that I'd done too - cos every other year it just appeared and I'd never really put any thought into how much time and effort goes into making and painting it... A lot! But yeah - Gang Show week was amazing - the shows were all fantastic - and the Saturday night was VERY emotional... we were pretty much all in tears on stage... I had a very red face cos I was crying lots! :p Haha - that night though was a veryyy good night for me - I 'met' someone, who is now VERY special to me... but will explain about that laters! :)

I have a job now... I work at the Lakeland store in Cheltenham! :) Very good place there, nice colleagues and good pay... good general ethos really... So far I've only been to 2 trainings... but the store opens in a coupla weeks - I'm really looking forward to working there and everything - gonna be a really good experience - and obvs looking forward to getting lotsa money! :p

Right - Men... well... i sayyy men :p Bergonzi - we got back together, but he was cheating again... so I broke up with him... And yeahh... That was a few weeks ago now...

I've just got together with Mark <3 Most amazing person EVER to be born! We're like completely perfect... :) Other than the fact that he buggered off to America for 2 months... leaving me all by myself! Haa... Nahh, he was gonna be going before we met at GS, so yeah... When he gets back from america and i get back from India everything is going to be AWESOME! :) Lotsa loves ;) :p lol

Anyways - you lot are all probably bored now of reading about the last coupla months without blogs... I'm gonna be trying to write more regularly now school work has stopped and everything - so look forward to lots of updates :)

Lots of loves <3


Saturday, 13 March 2010


Wow... I've not written for a long time!!! Ahh well... I suppose I'd better update everybody... Thats if anyone actually bothers to look on here anymore...

I suppose I've just been completely bogged down with DT coursework... SHIT... I've just remembered I need to learn my German coursework... for Tuesday... :-/ Ahh well...

Well... tbh... I don't actually have a lot to say...

So I'm not gonna bother... Comment if you'd actually like me to write properly... :)

Loveyou all

Mwah... x

Wednesday, 17 February 2010


I suppose you want an update...

Since my last actual post quite a bit has happened... I've broken my wrist for one!!! We were walking down Robinswood Hill and I slipped on some mud... I landed on my wrist and cracked it! Managed to walk down the rest of it with help from Ed... he'd put my arm in a sling cos it was sooooo painful! I had mud all over my arse and my hands! Was disgusting!!! But yeahh... Dickie came from Explorers to pick me up and take me to the hospital/home... Seeing as we were close to home Dickie dropped me off there and then dad took me to A&E... God I looked stupid in there! Covered in mud and in a reflective jacket and everything!!! Lol... :) Ahh well... After 2 hours of waiting I saw a nurse who gave me some paracetamol and then she said I needed to see a doctor and have an x-ray... that took another 2 hours!!! Finally I got home at like half 1 in the morning... with my arm in a sling and a support for my wrist... I was quite glad about the fact that I had my free texts though... I liked having people keep me company... until midnight... lol...

That was the Tuesday... The Thursday I had to go to tthe fracture clinic... That was when I got a bloody cast for 6 weeks!!! Urgh... Felt like crying!!! It meant I couldn't do the Cotswold Marathon because it can't get wet or sweaty... :( I was gutted... But I was still involved with the event cos I did checkpoint 7 with George, Matt, Vicky and Lucy... :) Wasn't bad... although I wasn't much use with one arm lol!

Since having the cast I've found everything so hard!!! Even getting dressed is hard... At least I can make a cuppa by myself :p

Saturday night I went to the cinema with Josh and Matt... we saw Young in Revolt... I think that's what it was called... It was a rather funny film :)
Sunday I spent the day at Gang Show... like normal :)

Monday I just slept really... didn't do a lot....

Yesterday I went into town with Passey and Matt... It was quite funny actually... I learnt quite a lot about boys and shopping... :p

Today I've done my German coursework... Done half a geog paper and tidyed my bedroom :) Gang show in a bit... :)

I miss Callum! :(

Anyways... I'm bored of writing now...

Speak soon...

Love you all


Sunday, 7 February 2010


BRITNEY SPEARS LYRICS - Dear Diary: "Dear diary
Today I saw a boy
And I wondered if he noticed me
He took my breath away

Dear diary
I can't get him off my mind
And it scares me
'Cause I've never felt this way

No one in this world
Knows me better than you do
So diary I'll confide in you

Dear diary
Today I saw a boy
As he walked by I thought he smiled at me

And I wondered
Does he know what's in my heart
I tried to smile, but I could hardly breathe

Should I tell him how I feel
Or would that scare him away
Diary, tell me what to do
Please tell me what to say

Dear diary
One touch of his hand
Now I can't wait to see that boy again

He smiled
And I thought my heart could fly
Diary, do you think that we'll be more than friends?
I've got a feeling we'll be so much more than friends"

Sunday, 31 January 2010


Heyy folks...

I've not written for 2 weeks... :O

Wow... I've been 16 for 2 weeks... Awesome :D

I honestly don't have a lot to say... not a lot has really been happening..

Had some cake at school on the 18th... :)

Done a coupla walks with Passey, Perkins and Ashley... Marathon is next weekend!!! :-D I CAN DO IT! Last weeks walk was actually really good :) We had a few debates :p

Hmmm... What else is there to say???

Oooo... I got an A in a geog test I did last week... :) 2 marks off an A*!!! Sooooo gutted about the 2 marks... but soo happy about the A... Hense whyy I keep saying I CAN DO IT.... cos that made me believe I can... :) Cos it worked! :D Woop woop... :D


I'm bored of writing now... I think it'll end up being that I don't write a lot now for the next few months cos not a lot is gonna be happening that I can write about... It'll get quite boring for you reading all the same stuff over and over again... :-/

Tell you what.. I can't wait to get back to Explorers... I miss my Ryan!!! :( And the other guys too I suppose... but I miss Ryan lots!!! :(

Loveyou Ry!!!

Anyways... (again)

I suppose I'd better go off and find something a lot more worthwhile... Like.... Urrrr.... Drinking tea :D


Love You all


Sunday, 17 January 2010



Just a quick little update for you all... Last night I told him... The guy I like... He doesn't feel the same... He said he hated saying that cos it's my birthday... but I don't mind... I can enjoy my birthday without thinking about it... I do feel better for telling him mind...

We're gonna still be friends... Hopefully nothing will be different... But I can't tell that until I next see him..

Just thought I'd let you know... In case you were wondering...

I'll write soon



Saturday, 16 January 2010


Heyy everyone...

I'm being told by quite a few people that I've not blogged in a while so I thought I would tonight... As today is my last full day of being 15 years old! I thought I'd record the moment :p

Well... That snow lasted quite a while... Like I said in my last post we had the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday off... and I said that it would be nice to have the Thursday and Friday off too... Well... That happened!!! But by that point I was rather bored... I got up to date with my ICT coursework... and did the plan for my English coursework... Which I never started until yesterday... (Just finished it) :D But other than that I got bored... So I watched quite a lot of Friends... :) Which I think Ryan has probably overtaken me on now... I've not watched any since last week... I've not had any time to... :(

OMG... My laptop has to be sent to Germany... because the wireless connection is pretty shit... so the Toshiba people suggested to send it off to be checked... as a wire has probably come loose... which means it has to go on a little holiday to Germany!!! I'll miss it!!! :( Dad's gonna let me use his laptop while mine is away though... because it's too much effort to turn on my old computer these days...!

Right... Molly said a while ago that I don't write about my love life on here anymore... That's because there isn't one!!! Well... there's the guy I like... Which btw isn't getting anywhere atm... I've been told that I should tell him how I feel... But I'm shit scared as to what he'll say... Worried that he'll like never talk to me again... And I don't want that to happen... Cos I like talking to him too much... But yeahh... Not sure what's gonna happen with that atm... Everything is just too confusing...

Although I do have some news for you all... My ex... Tom (previously called Gonzo) wants to get back with me... I've said no... because I've moved on and like this other guy... But apparently he asked Munch if she could get me to change my mind!!! And at rehearsals he's been getting quite close with me... I'm just being friendly... Apparently though Jerry was wondering if we'd got back together...??? Not sure whyy...? :-/

I still don't know who reads this these days... I know Amber does, and Ryan... and Mark... and Molly... but other than that I don't think anyone does... Josh probably doesn't anymore... Not sure if Vix does... I know Munch doesn't... :( Ahh well... I suppose I'm not really that interesting...

Oooo... I've started painting GS scenery on Saturdays... :D It's quite fun really... :) It's good to see the scenery before the week of the show... And I know that I'll be really happy when I see it on stage cos I can be like 'I painted that' :) Because I'm cool... :) Last Saturday we painted for 'Smile' and we painted the Rhinos... :) This week we graffited, painted greeness for 'Ireland', painted the smile, and paintbrushes :) Funtimes :) Next week we're doing glitter :D

Right... Well I'm a bit bored of writing now... Tomorrow I've got church... then straight to DT rehearsal and then full cast in the afternoon... :)


Heehee... Might be going out for a meal tomorrow night too :) Hope so... :)

Anyways people... I'm off

The next time I chat I'll be a whole year older :) And legal... ;)

To buy a lottery ticket you dirty minded people!!! :p

Lots of love


Wednesday, 6 January 2010


Heyy Everyone :)

OMG... SNOW!!! :)

Haaaa.... :) School was closed early yesterday and closed today :) Funtimes...
Yesterday was quite funny actually... Cos it started snowing while we were in German, and everyone got really excited... Cos it kept stopping and starting... And everyone was hoping that it would snow enough so we would get sent home... Then in Maths it was snowing really hard all the way through :) Mrs Elvidge was getting annoyed though cos noone was actually paying any attention to her! She even gave us 5 seconds to look at the snow to try and shut us up :p
During maths a few people who live like in the forest and stuff went home... Because otherwise they wouldn't be able to get home later... Then at lunchtime everyone in the school got called into the gym for Mr Willis to say that they'd made the 'regretful decision' to close the school! Everyone in the room cheered! :) It was funnnnnny :) But being allowed home was a pain... Because the teachers had to have permission from each and every parent before we could go home!!! :O

Me and Amber walked to the bus station... which took us forever... cos we kept slipping and sliding everywhere and we were frozen (wearing skirts in snow isn't the best idea) We got half way down the road when we realised we could have actually changed into our pe trousers and trainers and socks which would have kept us a bit warmer... Ahh well... We picked up Carys on the way... cos even though she'd left school earlier than us she was still stood there waiting for her bus... So she came to walk with us... Which turned out to be good... Cos we found her bus in the traffic and she gotted on it to keep warm :) Me and Amber went to Amber's bus stop, to see what was happening there... cos the traffic wasn't too bad in the direction she needed to go... Molly came and joined us and we waited for Amber to get onto a bus :) Because we were being lovely and didn't want to leave her all on her lonesome... (we didn't know how long the bus was gonna be, it could have been a lot longer than the wait we had) Me and Molly decided that it would be quicker for us to walk home than it would to get the bus... Cos within the halfhour that we were stood on Eastgate Street the traffic hasn't moved very far at all... So we started walking... about 45 minutes (ish) later we gotted home :)

After getting home I got changed into some trousers and my wellies and more warmer clothes and started walking over to the field where Josh, George, Mat and Chris were :) That only took half an hour :) I spent a couple of hours over there... Making some big snow thing... It looked like a pear to me... Then they decided they wanted to block up the brook... So they rolled it there and it collapsed when it got into the water! Then Mat climbed onto the snow and went to the other side of the bank..... When he got back the other side the threatened to throw me in... But I reminded him I had his new iPhone in my pocket ;) So he quickly gave up on the idea :p I had to be in by 6... So I was gonna start walking... But Josh offered to give me a lift home :) Which was very nice... :) When I gotted home I watched Friends :) Because I'm cool! :)

Today school was obvs closed... apparently Denmark Road was like an ice-rink... :-/ Seriously dangerous!!! I got up at 6 though... :( Typical that the day I don't have to get up I do!!! But I went back to sleep till 10... :) Then I did some ICT coursework and then Mat invited me out... So I walked back over to the field and had another couple of hours of fun with the guys :) (ooo... not THAT kinda fun!!!!) Then Josh offered to drive me home again :) Although his car failed a bit :p

Do you still read this btw Josh???

The roads are getting really icey now... So if the temperature stays like this it's likely that school will be closed because it'll be too dangerous for us to actually get to school... They might as well close it until Monday... :p That would be nice :)

Brrrr.... I'm still like mega cold...

Anyways people... I have a 6th form application form to fill out... more ict coursework to do... and Friends to watch... So I'm gonna stop writing :)

I'll write soon

Love you all


Friday, 1 January 2010


Omg People... 2010!!! It's here... My first post of 2010 :) Woop!

Right... Well I'm gonna tell you all about last night first... Because it's all fresh in my mind... I'm not gonna write everything... because a lot of the things that happened I don't really want to publish all over the internet... However some of it I can say... So I will! :)

We all gotted to Amber's house at like 7... (well, I was a bit late, cos I was still drying my hair) And yeahh... basically we all partyed a bit... we did the powerpoint that Munch always does for sleepovers... Although she's gonna have to stop them soon... because she's running out of ideas!!! Lol... Silly girl! :p Then we had photos... Which we've called a 'rotation'... because each person then has their picture taken with every other person... and it all works... :) Because we are cool... Harry made me a cuppa or two :) As did Vikki... Merci :) I only had tea cos I don't like alcohol... and that's what they were drinking... so I keep out of it :) I don't like the stuff... I have my reasons... Everyone seems to think that I'll change my mind in a couple of years... but I really will not... I hate the taste, and I hate what it does to people... Makes people throw up and it makes people act like idiots... So yeahh... I'd rather know what I'm doing than drink stuff that I don't like the taste of!

I cranked out lots of tunes :) on my laptop... (with the help of Zak's speakers) Because I'm amazing :p

Then basically the rest can't be written on here... I spent a lot of the time after midnight (after we'd all madly been texting and screaming and kissing and everything...) (and after we'd got the countdown right this year!) because I didn't want to be with the others!!! Let's just say it got a bit too much for me! Lol! Ahh well... After a while things were fine... :) I didn't get to sleeps till 6am this morning!!! Haha... :)

Talking about texting... I was really surprised that it didn't cost me anything to send texts to Switzerland and some other Island (where Leece is staying).... I know I had my free texts... But I would have thought that because I was texting to other countries that it would cost me monies... But it didn't :) Wish I'd known that a few days ago!!! It's as stupid as when I was in France and it was cheaper for me to text to England from France than it is to text in England to England!!! But yeahh... I was a bit surprised to get that text :)

Urgh... I'm rather tired right now!!! Lol... Not really surprised.... But y'know...! :)

OMG peoples... My sister is old!!! :p Well... 14... But still... that's old...! Her birthday was Monday... Funtimes... We went for a meal at some place... it was alright... I had my normal cheeseburger and chips... and then I had this chocolate sundae thing... :) YUM YUM! :)
Ohh yeahh... also on Monday I started getting everything off of my old computer onto my laptop... I got bored so so far I've only got all the important stuff across... Music and Photos :) Obvs!!! I do need to get all the documents across at some point... but that will hopefully be a bit easier... :) Because I won't have to (get Ben to) download iTunes and shizz like that! :)

Tuesday... I had to get up in the morning!!! I mean... at 9!!! I HAD TO GET UP!!!! :O I managed it... Just! :p Cos me and Jan and Colin went to go an buy me some boots... Like proper walking boots :) Because I need some... It's my birthday present... :) And they got me some PURPLE socks too!!! :) Haha... I looked like a bit of an idiot really... Cos I was walking around the shop with 2 different shoes on... trying to figure out which one felt better!!! Then I was walking around with different socks on... and it kinda went on like that!!! Funny times! :) After we'd gotted the boots I spent the rest of the day at their house... Because I didn't wanna go home... So I had some lunch there and stuff... Ben made us watch this weird film called 'District 9'... which involved aliens making humans go SPLAT... and some other stuff too... Then me and Jan watched Billy Elliot, cos I'd never seen it before... then we watched some of Sister Act 2... then I went home... :) Funstuff! :)

Wednesday... What happened Wednesday..?? OHHHH Yeahhh... we went down to Nanna and Grandad's house... :) That also meant I had to get up in the morning!!! But it was slightly better cos I could sleep in the car if I needed to! Although I didn't... :L On the way down there we watched 27 Dresses... and on the way back we watched a film called Where The Heart Is... They're both really good :) Because I like romantic type films :)

I think I must have grown into travel sickness... because both the way to Bournemouth and back I felt horrible in the car... :-/

But yeahh... in Bournemouth we had lunch at a Toby Carvary.. which wasn't bad... and I had a LUSH chocolate fudge cake... Oooo... It was gorgeous!!!! Yum Yum!!!

Sue and Alan came round too later on in the day... and we had tea and cakes :) Yummmy :) :)

Thursday I had to get up early cos me, Passey, Perkins and Ashley were going for a little walk... Well... 2 hour hike... but yeahh... I don't think I did too badly tbh... Last time we did a walk I was at the end the whole time... but this time I was walking with them closely and all :) Although I wasn't impressed... because I had my new boots on... They were COVERED in mud when I'd walked through only one field!!! :( They didn't last long!!!! :'( Loooool!

When I got back home I accidently fell to sleeps... Which was sooo stupid... cos my legs completely seized up and I actually couldn't move!!! Lool... I'm fine now tho mind :)

Hmmm... I've had a lot of funtimes this week innit! :p

Although now I've kinda run outta things to say... And I need a cuppa... So I think I'm gonna go downstairs and get one... and then see what my dear family are doing... and yeahh... :)

Early night for me tonight methinks... Urghh....!


Hope you all had a good New Year's Eve... :)

Love you all


Happy New Year

Heyy Everyone..

Happy New Year...

Have A Good One :)

Love You All
